Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Graduation, how do you feel about it?

What do seniors really think about the 2010 graduation?

Graduation is an important event for seniors at any high school. Seniors at South East High School must have some kind of feeling about this 2010 ceremony for graduation.

Graduation is a ceremony that shows what a senior has accomplished throughout the 4 years of High School.

After senior graduates from high school seniors will become adults in world of economics and work. Abraham Basurto, senior at SEHS, said, “I don’t like it and don’t want to go to it” about the graduation ceremony of 2010. Once asked why he thought that he said “I don’t know it’s just a ceremony I don’t like.” Basurto feels that the culmination ceremony is an event in which he doesn’t want to participate, because he feels he has not met his goals to graduate.

Not everyone likes graduation. Another senior at SEHS, Ramon Morales, said, “It’s a waste of my time.” Morales feels that he has better things to do than go to a ceremony, he also said, “I want to leave quicker.” He means that he wishes he could leave high school as soon possible. Eddie Naverrete, a senior at SEHS, said, “Graduation is going to be awesome and it’s the beginning and ending of this era, but a celebration of our progress.” Naverrete means by this that graduation is one part of the accomplishment and that there is more to come. Senior Christian Contreras, said, “It’s really important and I have waited for this for a long time and parents want to see there kids graduate and become adults.” Contreras means that all parents want their children to succeed in life and that the parents don’t want to see their children just fail at life.

Not everyone likes to be honored with a ceremony of completion, but others love when students or family members show them admiration. There are anticipated seniors and non-anticipated seniors for this 2010 graduation ceremony. Whether you’re anticipated or non-anticipated for the graduation ceremony, it is often significant and superb.

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