Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Students at South East High School anticapate Fifa World Cup 2010

The Fifa World Cup only occurs every four years. In 2010 followers will be able to attend another world cup. Teams from every corner of the globe will play in this tournament. There has been 19 world cups so far but, the World Cup of 2010 will be the 20th. Every soccer fan eagerly await the start.

Fifa is one of the most entertaining tournaments in the world for soccer fans. According to the World Cup History Organization, “The first WC ever organized was in 1930 in Uruguay. At that time only 13 teams’ participated and now 32 teams participate. Urugauy was the first to have won the cup” The World Cup was canceled in 1942 and 1946 due to World War 2.

There are teams like Denmark, Mexico, Holland, Brazil, and Argentina. There are players like Cristano Ronaldo from Portugal, Wayne Rooney from England, Fernando Torres from Spain, Lionel Messi from Argentina, and Frank Ribery from France.Some people will think the World Cup of 2010 will be an amazing tournament and will bring people from other countries together to support their nation.

The World cup of 2010 will take place in South Africa. There will be many stadiums including Soccer City and Ellis Park in Johannesburg which are important because of their size and location. The stadiums of South Africa are high class. All of the stadiums will have a capacity over 40,000. According to Fifa, “There will be 10 stadiums available in the World Cup of 2010. These stadiums are Green point with capacity of 70,000, Durban 70,000, Ellis Park 61,000, Soccer 94, 700, Free State 48, 000, Nelson Mandela 48,000, Mbombela 46,000, Peter Mokaba 46, 000, Royal Bafokeng 42, 000, and Loftus Versfeld 50,000.

Mr. Marangopoulos an Algebra teacher at South East high School said that, “The Government of South Africa did a good job in making the big and nice stadiums, hotels and resorts”. By doing such things more people will visit and would want to stay there forever. The stadiums, hotels, and resorts aren’t why people really want to come they want to come to see. They want to come see the beautiful game-play that soccer offers.

People from all over the globe might go to South Africa or watch the games from their home. With teams such as Holland, England, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and France playing each other will create a spectacular game. Marangopoulos said, “I really like Greece because I grew up there, but I would have to say Holland is the best team of all because there form of playing and their ability of scoring goals.” There are teams like Algeria, Slovakia, and Slovenia that haven’t made it in a world cup for over 50 years or never in their history make it to one.

Others think differently. Cuauhtémoc Cibrian a freshman at SEHS says England has the best team because of their high winning rate and the way each player treats the ball. The teams make up the tournament but the players create the team.

There are thousands of hundreds of soccer players around the world and the best of each country gets called to the selection. There are some players that are good such as Frank Ribery, Thierry Henry, Fernando Torres, Karim Benzema, Cristano Ronaldo, and Andres Iniesta. All of these players are the stars of their country. Mr. M said “I love the way Ronaldinho from brazil plays soccer because he runs fast, has good ball control, he is an amazing finisher, and he is never afraid to pass the ball.” Cibrian thinks that “Giovani Dos Santos is a great player because he has good dribbling and ball control.” There are always some soccer players that are better than others such as these that were mentioned. The soccer players are what make the teams look good.

The World Cup is to prove which team is the best. When a country wins the cup it is something that will never be forgotten by the players and there fans. Soccer fans want the World Cup to start and they want their team to be the best and beat the rest.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Have you been to Big Bear?

Emmanuel Delgado a student at South East High School has recently been to Big Bear during winter break. "I playedd with the snow with my family at Big Bear" Delgado said. "The weather was really cold, I had to wear gloves or they would turn purple" Delgado added. Delgado also said he and his brother were throwing snow balls at each other and he got him in the head. "My siser built a cool snow man" Delgado added. "I want to get back next winter break" Delgado concluded.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Alcoholism is Harmful To Humanity

By Diego Munoz & Oscar Basurto
“Alcohol is a very powerful, addictive drug that some people of all ages enjoy in low doses, but that is damaging or even lethal in high doses.”-WebMD

Alcohol is a drug found in beer, wine, and liquor. According to WebMD when a person drinks alcohol to a point where it is too much for their body to handle they become intoxicated. Intoxication is when a person is being damaged physically and mentally.

Christopher Casillas, a freshman at South East High School, said, “My uncle drinks and he suffers painful physical symptoms when he doesn’t have alcohol in his blood.”

Alcohol is a drug used and abused by many Americans. When alcohol is used over a long period of time it leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is a disease that scars healthy liver tissue and is usually caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Another thing that long-term alcohol use does is that if you have Hepatitis C alcohol will only make it worse.

Mr. Sanchez, a health teacher at SEHS, said, “Alcohol abuse is when you drink alcohol too much and at inappropriate times.” Alcohol is really harmful because, not only does it harm the user, but it harms the family of the user. Alcoholism can affect a family when the user passes away. When a person is an alcoholic they can become more aggressive towards their family and others. Mr. Martinez, a health teacher at SEHS, said, “One of my family members passed away due to alcoholism.”

Alcohol is very common among teens because of peer pressure. According to the National Center Of Addiction and Substance Abuse, “almost 80% of high school students have tried alcohol,” even though the legal age for a person to start drinking is 21.

Some people think differently. Casillas said, “I think that people should start drinking over the age of 25.” Adriana Munoz, a junior at SEHS, said, “I think it is best to start drinking at the age of 21, but in moderation. When you drink, its best if you do it when there is someone sober you know to take you home.” A person is most likely to drink because they want to fit. While it could be as simple as liking the taste. But the main thing that will put a person to drink is influence by others.

People drink for many reasons. Munoz said, “I think people drink because they believe they can forget about their problems.” Out in the world there are many brands of products that contain alcohol and some families drink just one product because of family traditions. Martinez said his family mostly drinks “Corona” which is a Mexican beer. While Casillas said his family “drinks Coors Light all the time.”

“Products with alcohol cause people to suffer from high blood pressure,” said Sanchez. Alcoholism strikes some families while to others it just doesn’t. Munoz says, “No I don’t have any alcoholics in my family. No one in my family has passed away from such addiction.”

Groups like Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Alcoholics Anonymous group (AA) and Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) have experience helping people with alcoholism. Martinez said, “These groups are always good to join as long as they provide help and keep people from their addiction.” Casillas said, “I do think it works but only for a while no one knows what an alcoholic can do after.”

The AA official website says, “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Our mission is to affect change in our separate communities through individual chapters. To help people get through these bad decisions that will affect the lives of others and their own.”

When it comes to holidays some people start drinking. This causes the police to be more aware of the situation. Officer Zamora, a police at SEHS, said, “People definitely drink because they are going through hard times with the economy, and they find another reason to drink because of the holidays.” When a person drinks and drives they are in risk of harming themselves and others. Zamora said, “During the Holidays in the City of South Gate the arrest rate for drinking and driving goes up [3 to 5%]. It is known that many Americans drink more when special events are taken place.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Graduation, how do you feel about it?

What do seniors really think about the 2010 graduation?

Graduation is an important event for seniors at any high school. Seniors at South East High School must have some kind of feeling about this 2010 ceremony for graduation.

Graduation is a ceremony that shows what a senior has accomplished throughout the 4 years of High School.

After senior graduates from high school seniors will become adults in world of economics and work. Abraham Basurto, senior at SEHS, said, “I don’t like it and don’t want to go to it” about the graduation ceremony of 2010. Once asked why he thought that he said “I don’t know it’s just a ceremony I don’t like.” Basurto feels that the culmination ceremony is an event in which he doesn’t want to participate, because he feels he has not met his goals to graduate.

Not everyone likes graduation. Another senior at SEHS, Ramon Morales, said, “It’s a waste of my time.” Morales feels that he has better things to do than go to a ceremony, he also said, “I want to leave quicker.” He means that he wishes he could leave high school as soon possible. Eddie Naverrete, a senior at SEHS, said, “Graduation is going to be awesome and it’s the beginning and ending of this era, but a celebration of our progress.” Naverrete means by this that graduation is one part of the accomplishment and that there is more to come. Senior Christian Contreras, said, “It’s really important and I have waited for this for a long time and parents want to see there kids graduate and become adults.” Contreras means that all parents want their children to succeed in life and that the parents don’t want to see their children just fail at life.

Not everyone likes to be honored with a ceremony of completion, but others love when students or family members show them admiration. There are anticipated seniors and non-anticipated seniors for this 2010 graduation ceremony. Whether you’re anticipated or non-anticipated for the graduation ceremony, it is often significant and superb.

Friday, October 30, 2009

In The Future...(G.O.S.S)

Diego Munoz a freshman at South East High School would like to be a soccer player in the major league.

He has wanted to play soccer ever since the first time he ever played soccer in A.Y.S.O. which was his first soccer team when he 10 years old. Soccer is his favorite sport and has always been. His favorite play in soccer is Omar Arellano from the soccer team Chivas. An obstacle of his is not to get hurt and to stay fit for soccer because it is not an easy sport. His solution for his obstacle is " To not get hurt and exercise regularly he said."

Another thing he would like to do is go to college. The college he would like to go to is Pepperdine. Pepperdine is a very good college. "I wanted to go to Pepperdine ever since 8th grade" he said.

Code Of Ethics

Preamble: I as a journalist respect the rules of journalism. I know what is right and what is wrong. We write the truth and only the truth. I can be trusted no matter what always.

Credibility: You're credibility is important to me. You're credibility towards me will never change because I am right 100% of the time, because we got facts.

Accuracy: My accuracy is 100%, 100% of the time. My accuracy is my best skill. I hear it right and write it right.

Objectivity: I always respect other people and their comments. I care about my readers feelings no matter what because i want them to keep reading.

Plagiarism: I do not copy other people's work. Plagiarism is on my number 1 not to do list.

The Truth: I only publish nothing but the truth and only the truth with no lies

Farewell to Summer

I have recently interviewed a 9th grader named Diego Munoz about his summer and what he thinks about leaving summer. During his summer he went to Chicago, Illinois with his cousins. During his time in Chicago he went fishing with his family. He went to Chicago because he wanted to see his family that lived there. He thinks it's great that he is entering South East High School because it's good to talk to and hang out with friends again. In conclusion he is happy to say "farewell to summer" and say "hello" to SEHS.